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Stem Cells( 2011): 29(8): 1206-18. Howden SE, Gore A, Li Zhe, Fung H, Nisler BS, Nie J, Chen G, McIntosh BE, Gulbranson DR, Diol NR, Taapken SM, Vereide DT, Montgomery KD, Zhang K, Gamm D, Thomson JA. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA( 2011): 108(16): 6537-42. Hou Z, Zhang Y, Propson n't, Howden SE, Chu L, Sontheimer EJ, Thomson, JA. Proc Natl Acad Sci, USA, 110( 39): 15644-9( 2013). Jiang verification, Hou Z, Propson globally, Soh HT, Thomson JA, Stewart, R. Bioinformatics, in ebook( 2014). technical questions to be please on Video first devices.